Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 31, 2011

..♥every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure♥..

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing

Watch you smile while you are sleeping
Far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Well, every moment spent with you
Is a moment I treasure

I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing

Lying close to you
Feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together
And I just wanna stay with you
In this moment forever, forever and ever

I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing

I don't wanna miss one smile
I don't wanna miss one kiss

Well, I just wanna be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just wanna hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time

Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
'Cause I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing

I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing

Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep, yeah
I don't wanna miss a thing.

nota kaki : untuk 12jam yang sgt precious and priceless 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

its over

kali ni cikFarah bukan sahaja terjatuh tp siap tergolek terguling tertungging lagi dari bukit yg tinggi persis Genting Highland sampai cedera parah haaa.. wah tragis gitu.

itulah hari tu dah pesan berjalan di landasan yang betul tp degil. x nak. nak juga berjalan ikut landasan yg x siap lagi. yg diri sendiri pun x tahu macam mana keadaan landasan nya.

so bila dah jatuh tergolek cenggini, siapa yang sakit? cikFarah sendiri jugak yang hurts kan. padan muka.
lain kali hati-hati.
jangan asyik nak jatuh ja.
sikit-sikit jatuh.
sikit-sikit jatuh.
sikit-sikit jatuh.

sudah lah, baik berhenti berharap dari sekarang.
jangan jd seperti peribahasa "hidung tak mancung, pipi tersorong-sorong".
orang yang engkau sanjung tu xda apa-apa, engkau ja yg lebih-lebih.

*kadang-kadang manusia ni keliru. kadang-kadang kita marah/kecewa sbb benda lain tp dia fikir sbb benda lain dari yang kita marahkan dan kecewakan. benda kita dgn benda dia x sama. yelah kalau kau lelaki mmg lah x sama sbb aku perempuan.(apa aku merepek nih -__- )

nota kaki : ni kes cinta x berbalas ke hape nih?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Interdental Brush

ini nama nya interdental brush.
brush dia bole pakai buang.
maksud nya bila brush dah x elok bole buka dari holder dia n dibuang lalu diganti dgn brush yg baru.
tp dlm kes cikFarah, brush nya selalu terkeluar dari holder sbb dawainya putus.
so kena lah tukar yang baru.

ini cara penggunaan nya :

ini stock cikFarah.
ada lagi 2 jerk.

Tesco pun ada produce interdental brush.
ada two type.
satu 0.60mm n satu 0.40mm

cikFarah ingat nak beli yg ni je tp brush dia nmpk mcm x best sbb straight cut je dari atas ke bawah.
berbeza sikit dgn oral B.
tp my dentist pun pesan apa2 produk utk braces pakai produk oral B n colgate je.
maybe sbb kualiti kot. entah.

Why can’t I eat what I want?
If you are not careful about the things you eat, you will break off brackets, loosen bands, bend or break wires.
Remember this handy rhyme:
A tiny bite will keep things tight.
A bite that’s GRAND might loosen a band!

Foods to avoid completely:
  • Anything sticky, chewy, or gooey Examples: Gum (any kind of gum, including Freedent or Stick Free), caramels, taffy, fruit snacks (Shark Bites, Fruit by the Foot, etc.), Skittles, Now & Laters, candy apples.
  • Hard candies, even though you only suck on these, hard candies will bathe your teeth with sugar for a long period of time. Examples: Life Savers, Lollipops, Jolly Ranchers, etc.
  • Natural dried fruits (raisins, figs, dried apricots), are very high in sugar and are very sticky making them cariogenic (decay causing).
  • All types of nuts.
(habes lah! baru aritu makan lollipops pas poie makan NAPB dgn tiga jejaka hensem. n pasni dah takley makan kismis )

Please use caution when choosing the food that you eat. Sucking on lemons can dissolve enamel (surface of your teeth). Research has shown that each time you break something (brackets or wires), you add one month additional time to your orthodontics.

(pehhh..sekali break, tambah sebulan tuh. jenuhh! nasib baik x penah break lagi.)

Foods to be careful with:
Most of the following foods are to be cut into small pieces before being eaten. If you bite directly into certain foods, with your front teeth, you will weaken the bracket bonding and eventually the bracket will “break” loose from your tooth surface or break a wire.
  • Crunchy pizza crust, bagels, hard rolls, and toasted bread. Examples: When eating pizza, eat the center pieces; don’t eat the outer crust around the pizza. When eating bagels, cut them up into smaller pieces so you can chew them with your back teeth. You can have bread, but don’t eat bread that has been really toasted and is hard like a crouton.
  • Hard fresh fruits and raw vegetables Examples: Apples or pears can be eaten if they are cut up into wedges or small pieces so that you use your back teeth. Do not bite into a whole apple or pear. Raw vegetables should be treated the same way. Cut them into bite sized pieces, so that you can use your back teeth and do not need to use your front teeth to bite off a portion of the raw vegetable.
  • Corn on the cob: remove the corn from the cob before eating.
  • Ice chips and cubes: Don’t chew ice cubes or ice chips, but you can use them in your beverage glass.
(owh yg ni dah tersedia maklum. kalau pakai braces mmg xleh bite dgn gigi dpn. jgn harap lah nak mengigit! engkau kena cubit2 then kunyah dgn gigi belakang. rindu wei nak gigit/tokak!)

so jaga lah gigi dan braces anda dgn baik. rajin2 gosok gigi terutamanya selepas makan (sgt wajib bg Besian) supaya gigi dan braces anda x jadi macam ni. tadaaaaaaaa....~

oh! tidaK! sgt mengerikan. 

nota kaki : dan tiba-tiba....(muzik lagu spring) aku pun jd ter-rajin nak gosok gigi selalu.
heeee xD

Thursday, January 27, 2011

im losing my bestfren...again?!

this entry special dedicated to Mr Bawang Lebih.
kagih x aku scroll older post?
moral of the story : after this jgn mention2 benda yang dah lama aku buat sbb aku akan buat kagih cari balik benda2 tu.heh.
btw thanks coz kembali bersama bahu yg bole dipinjam. 

nota kaki : KAGIH = Kalut + Gigih

Good Bye To You My Lite Purple

next week 1st February 2011 ada appointment dgn dentist.
bulan ni rasa cepat sgt masa berlalu.
tengok2 dah cukup sebulan. dah nak kena tighten braces.
haih. cepat sungguh.
bye bye my lite purple. 
c u again when u c me again.

nota kaki : Tolong Ingatkan Aku utk beli Interdental Brushes (yg refill) kat klinik. sudah kehabisan stock.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

-sedara saya-

td poie pasar malam ada org jual patung katak.
patung ke eh? entah.
ala macam mainan budak2. ada bunyi2.
FJ terussss belikan utk cikFarah
sekor rm6.00
mahal kan? tp beli jgk. heh.

comeLLLLL kann. xD
cikFarah org pertama beli sbb tgk tersusun elok je katak2 tu.
*confident je*

 adik yg jual tu kata,
kakak bawak sendiri eh, beg plastik xda. T_T
best ja katak tu duduk kat dada cikFarah

 kalau kaler biru mesti lagi comeL


nota kaki : FJ itu abang saya. iye abg kandung.

Monday, January 24, 2011

-Sometimes I just wanna hide 'cause it's you I miss-

Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were, but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today, ooh, ooh

I would hold you in my arms, I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done, forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do to hear your voice again
Sometimes I wanna call you but I know you won't be there

Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you

Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit
Sometimes I just wanna hide 'cause it's you I miss
And it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this, ooh

Would you tell me I was wrong? Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me? Are you proud of who I am?
There's nothing I wouldn't do to have just one more chance
To look into your eyes and see you looking back

Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself, oh

If I had just one more day
I would tell you how much that I've missed you
Since you've been away

Oh, it's dangerous
It's so out of line
To try and turn back time

I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself
By hurting you

a.d.a a.p.a d.e.n.g.a.n b.r.a.c.e.s

ada apa dgn braces?
best sgt ke pakai braces ni?
special sgt ke pakai braces ni?
unique sgt ke pakai braces ni?
perlu sgt ke pakai braces ni?
apa ada hal dgn braces ni?

kali ni rasa mcm nk cerita persepsi org tentang braces.
sejak dua bulan tiga minggu pakai braces ni aku dah jumpa tiga jenis manusia yg berbeza persepsi tentang braces.

jenis 1. - Tak Kesah Langsung
jenis ni mmg x kesah, kau pakai braces ke..x pakai ke..ada aku kesah? xdeeee.
contoh : ayah aku. 
bila aku gtau dia yg aku nk pakai braces, dia angguk2 je. (Ahli Fiqir la katakan, haha)
bila gtau price, ok terkesima sekejap. mahal.
then aku gtau bole buat installment, dia suh proceed. siap tanya ada duit tak?
nak sponser agak nye tp aku xnak, dah bertekad nak buat guna duit sendiri. (anak mithali)
then aku just proceed n ayah aku dah x amek kesah.

jenis 2. - Tak Kesah 50%, Kesah 50%
jenis ni kdg2 dia kesah, kdg2 dia x kesah.
kdg2 dia tanya jgk sikit2 tentang braces ni.
tp bila aku beriya2 benor gtau kata gigi dah bergerak, dia bole tanya balik :
"dah kalau bergerak, kenape?"
potong stim betul. baru nak excited tp dia x kesah pulak
jenis no 2 ni ramai.

jenis 3. Kesah/Excited.
jenis ni mmg kesah n excited sgt.
selalunya terdiri daripada mereka2 yg gigi sama x cantik mcm aku.
yg excited ni mesti kes nak pakai braces jgk.
tp ada jgk yg gigi dah cantik tp still teruja dgn braces.
selalu bertanya tentang progress gigi aku.
jenis ni akan tanya byk soalan.
price brape, klnik mane, cabut bape batang gigi, nak tukar kaler apa next appointment, bila next appointment, suggest kaler apa yg nak dipakai, etc, etc, etc, etc.

hipotesis aku : manusia yang mempunyai gigi yg cantik dan tersusun tidak berapa kisahkan sgt tentang braces. bg mereka xdak apa2 pon yg special/best/unik tentang braces ni. tp bg mereka yg tidak mempunyai gigi yg cantik dan tersusun (wlpun ianya anugerah tuhan) akan memandang braces itu sbg sesuatu yang menerujakan. sama seperti aku. :)

nota kaki : sila cabar hipotesis aku untuk jadikan ia sebagai satu teori.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Ku merindu,
Merindu cinta yang tulus dari hatimu
Selalu ku impikan hidup bersamamu
Ku kan selalu menanti balasan cintamu

Ku berjanji,
Berjanji mencintaimu sepenuh jiwaku
Ku tak akan mendustakan cinta kekasihku
Agar kau dapat menerima cintaku

Ku selalu, merindu cintamu
Yang selalu ada di jiwaku

Aku tahu kau pun cinta
Tapi malu tuk berkata
Usah kau ragui cintaku
Ku tetap merindu

Aku tahu kau pun cinta
Tapi malu tuk berkata
Ku tunggu jawapan cintamu
Ku tetap merindu

Di saat ini hatiku rindu belaian cinta darimu
Ku harap kau merestui cinta dariku
Yang selalu setia menunggu dirimu...

Janji Melayu vs Nasi Ayam

kepada yang berkenaan,

terima kasih atas janji melayu anda.

cikFarah ada sorang kawan ni. lelaki. bole dianggap sbg kawan baik / rapat / bole pinjam bahu.
tp dia sgt lah x punctual.
dulu kini dan selamanya (maybe).
hari ini sepatut nya dia janji pick up cikFarah kat rumah pukul 12 tghari utk ke NAPB.
which is stand for Nasi Ayam Periuk Besar.
bg dia NAPB ni mmg sedap n marveles.
bg cikFarah biaseee biaseeee ja. (dah la dpt ayam keras td!)

janji kul 12, pukul 2 ptg baru sampai. 
mmg janji melayu kan?
agak bebai la td sbb tunggu lama sgt.

tp bila dah bertahun kawan dgn dia, dah tau perangai dia yg jenis mmg LAMBAT.
so after this kalau nk keluar kul 10, kena bgtau dia kul 8. so dia akan lmbt jgk jd kul 10.

tp alhamdulillah walaupun lambat, nasi ayam still ada lg. mmg rezeki kami lah.
tp kan yg peliknya bila dah jumpa mereka ni, bebai pon hilang. selalu mcm tu.
asyik gelak ja!
mmg fun bila lepak dgn mereka. 
mereka merujuk kepada Dude Kel, Azz Pening, Apiz Waje n Ti Kal.

kita mungkin x boleh suruh seseorang tu berubah tp kita mungkin bole cuba utk memahami seseorang itu.
tp bergantung jgk kepada beberapa faktor. (malas nk explain) 

si janji melayu

 si rambut lurus

 si mamat camera

 layan diri

*sori, i curi2 amek gambaq u ols*

 nasi ayam dot my

 sup-sup, air asam.
ada org tersilap panggil air BELACAN.

 cikFarah + encikWadud

 encikWadud + encikHafiz

 encikAzizi + cikFarah
( x suka pic ni sbb senyum saya pelik, nmpk byk gusi. huh)

 encikWadud + 3 scoop nasi ayam

kedai nya.

kami semua sehati sejiwa hari ini sbb pakai baju ala2 sedondon gitu

nota kaki : bro, Sorry. bkn niat aku nak sarkastik. hang pon tau hg mmg janji melayu kan?? no tacing2 k.
hahaha :P~
btw thanks utk lepaking arini.

-saBtu yang loSer-

yesterday mmg rasa loser gila.
bangun tido, dari pagi sampai petang layan youtube ja keje aku.
sampai dah x terlayan.
dasar manusia.
bila kerja, nak cuti.
bila cuti, bosan pulak.
manusia x pernah puas kan?
puas dlm istilah rumahtangga tu lain lah. heh.

semasa terasa sgt loser, Bonda ajak keluar beli barang sikit.
then balik kami singgah makan mee kuah ketam.
Bonda makan mee kuah. aku makan mee goreng.
bapak lama gila tunggu mee goreng aku siap.
tepi gerai ni ada gerai jual buah berangan. aku mmg selalu beli buah berangan kat gerai ni.
masa tgh tunggu mee goreng aku siap, aku terpandang abg yg jual buah berangan tuh n abg tu pon terpandang aku lalu kami saling berbalas senyuman :) (mcm poyo ja ayat).
aku ingat dia nk pegi mane ke, rupa2nya pegi amek wuduk.
tersentuh hati aku tgk dia semayang dekat belakang van dia je. belakang gerai buah berangan dia tu.

 pelik kan.
mulut takleh tutup penuh

 gedik2 sikit

nampak van putih tu?
situ lah abg buah berangan tu semayang.

aku pon tatau apa motif aku buat entry ni.
sbb abg buah berangan? maybe...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

...See ku terfikir bout you lately...

If u wanna party like this
Just sing along Ooh ooh ooh
Just spend a lil bit of money ooh ooh ohh
Now we can dance all nite till the
Break-o-dawn ooh ooh ooh
Bila berdua kita mula berdansa

See ku terfikir bout you lately
Are we getting round tonight
Pick you up in ma beemer round probly
8.30 would it alright?
10 o'clock 12 o'clock
We be up in the club, come one babe
Showing up, flashing dough, keep it real
Throwing dubs you know

If u wanna party like this
Just sing along¡­Ooh ooh ooh
Just spend a lil bit of money¡­ooh ooh ohh
Now we could dance all nite till the
Break-o-dawn ooh ooh ooh
Bila berdua kita mula berdansa

I know you've always been the kinda lady
Who just wanna treat her man right
I know that you'd be down with me lady
Come on let me hold you tight
You and I can forget all
the things about love
[ Find more Lyrics on http://mp3lyrics.org/Sbeo ]
Coz right now just you and
me in the club, now

I like the way you walk (uhum)
I like the way you say (uhum)
I like the way you move
Now we could bounce to the mood
keep the dance floor saying (uhum)

If u wanna party like this
Just sing along Ooh ooh ooh
Just spend a lil bit of money ooh ooh ohh
Now we could dance all nite till the
Break-o-dawn ooh ooh ooh
Bila berdua kita mula berdansa

KL are you with me, let me hear
you say (ooh ooh ooh)
All the fellas in the club
tonight (ooh ooh ooh)
All the ladies are you with me (ooh ooh ooh)
V.E everybody (ooh ooh ooh)

Langkahkan tarianmu, mari berdansa
With me honey
Step in come a lil bit close,
Give me some of that good love, honey
If u wanna party like this
Just sing along¡­Ooh ooh ooh
Just spend a lil bit of money¡­ooh ooh ohh
Now we could dance all nite till the
Break-o-dawn¡­ooh ooh ooh
Bila berdua kita mula berdansa

bila nak berparty lagi yawwww~

Lah, i LoVe u forever n always ♥.